
How Online Giving Works

Giving online through our website is handled through Planning Center. Planning Center is a church management software that our church uses for staying organized, for record keeping, and for communicating with our members. Our church uses many services from Planning Center, one of which is to handle our online giving. And because handling others people’s information and money online is a difficult thing to do correctly and securely, the payment is handled by the well-established payment processing company Stripe. So it’s just like buying something online with a credit or debit card.


Ladner CRC pays a flat annual fee to Planning Center for providing the donation management service. And just like any credit-card purchase, and many debit-card purchases, the church needs to pay transaction fees. These transaction fees get paid by the church to Stripe (the fee is deducted automatically). Each donation online will cost the church 2.2% of the donation plus 30 cents. For example, for a $20 donation, the church pays Stripe $0.74, while a $500 donation will cost $11.30.

With this in mind, we invite you to consider other ways of giving larger donations.

Note that the recipient of the donation—whether World Renew or any of the other causes we support—will receive 100% of the amount you donate. The church pays for these fees out of our budget.

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